Park City Investor

Reasons for Buying Park City Real Estate in 2011

Welcome back! I hope you had a very enjoyable holiday season and a great start into the new year.

I did take a break myself and certainly got some rest from the very busy past year. However, now I am ready to get back to work and share all my knowledge and strength with buyers and sellers trying to purchase Park City & Deer Valley Real Estate this year. I am looking forward to finding and negotiating the best deals and get you the most for your money.

I have just recently read an article on Investopedia (12/24/2010) about Michele Lerner, author of Homebuying: Tough Times, First Time, Any Time. She offers reasons why real estate is likely to improve in 2011.

Here are five reasons she thinks consumers should consider a home purchase in 2011:

  • Mortgage rates will stay low. Even with rates climbing — maybe to as high as 6 percent by 2012 — they are still well below where they have been historically.
  • Tax cuts could help. Extending the tax cuts could encourage a more rapid recovery for the economy.
  • Americans want to be home owners. A recent Fannie Mae survey showed that Americans still believe a home is a safe and desirable investment.
  • Builders are about to begin building. Home builders have been sitting on the sidelines. This year, they think pent-up demand will create an appetite for new homes.
  • Homes are shrinking. Homes are getting smaller, which has made them more affordable.

Use my website to learn about the different neighborhoods in the Park City area. Call me for market trends, showings and more information on the housing market in Park City.