Park City Investor

Winterizing your Park City Home

If you haven’t winterized your Park City or Deer Valley home yet, it’s about time. The worst thing in the world is having to fix things when its 20 degrees outside. Winterizing your Winterize Park City Real EstatePark City property will not only save the environment with energy savings but it will save YOU money. Once it’s all done you can relax in a warm cozy home for the season.

Winterizing is also important for home that are vacant and currently on the market. A home that is winterized is a positive thing for a Realtor to point out in a showing. It shows the owners are taking care of their home and it saves potential problems for buyers. I worked with a seller before that chose not winterize. His home was vacant and for sale. The pipes froze in his million dollar home and as a result he had significant water damage in the basement and his home lost great value.

Here are helpful links to easy checklists and advice on how to winterize your Park City & Deer Valley Home.

Winterizing a Vacation Home

Winterizing an Occupied Home