Park City Investor

Park City had 240 inches of snow already this year!

The Public Works Department reported recently that this seasons snowfall by mid-January was the largest in 23 years.

The snowfall total required extensive hauling operations in Old Town where many streets only allowed one-way traffic due to the piled up snow on the side of the streets.

According to the Park Record, the crews had hauled 11,500 cubic yards of snow by January 5th. In a typical winter, lasting from November 15 until April 15, 15,000 cubic yards are hauled, the report said. The 11,500 figure represents 77 percent of the total in a normal year that had been hauled by Jan. 5.

This season we had many early snowstorms with the very first one around Thanksgiving.

Let’s hope for some more fresh snow for the rest of the season.

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