Currently short sales and foreclosures in Deer Valley are almost non-existent. The market is still strong and many owners are able to carry their properties through times of uncertainty.
Please contact us whether you are interested in purchasing a short sale, or if you are unable to make your payments and need help selling your property before the bank forecloses on you. We have dealt with many short sales in the past and would be happy to consult you on your options.
Contact The Park City Investor Team at 435.640.6966 with your concerns. We’ve worked many short sales and can help you before foreclosure.
Below you can view all short sales in Deer Valley.
Listings are updated daily from the Park City MLS and are from all brokerages.
Deer Crest Estates | 04 - Deer Crest
St. Regis | 04 - Deer Crest
Deer Crest Estates | 04 - Deer Crest
Deer Crest Estates | 04 - Deer Crest
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
Moonshadow | 06 - Empire Pass
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
Nakoma | 06 - Empire Pass
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
Nakoma | 06 - Empire Pass
St. Regis | 04 - Deer Crest
Moonshadow | 06 - Empire Pass
Deer Crest Estates | 04 - Deer Crest
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
Montage Deer Valley | 06 - Empire Pass
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
Sommet Blanc | 06 - Empire Pass
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